Tuesday, February 12, 2008


"Wherever you are, be all there.
Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God."
-Jim Elliot
I was doing some reading this morning and I came across this quote from Jim Elliot. I have heard it and pondered upon it before, but it's been a while. And this time, I finally looked up the definition of "hilt." Apparently "to live to the hilt" means to live "to the maximum extent or degree; completely; fully."
Sometimes I really struggle with "being all there." Especially in this odd place in life we are in right now...I'm ready to be past here. I'm ready to start doing whatever it is God would have us to do with our lives. I'm ready to get down to business, you know? But...we aren't "there" yet, we are still in transit, still trying to figure out just exactly what it is we're going to be doing. And, well...we are here. Here at this funny little place...here, though, is where God has us for now. Not only does He have us here, this must be where He wants us. And though we don't exactly understand the reason why, it's enough to know that He is the One who has put us here. Here, as we work two totally different jobs on opposite ends of town. Here, living like busy little bees trying to learn what it means to really love one another. Here we are. Here. And since we know God has us here, then we might should really follow Jim's advice...and live completely right here. ...for now! :)
it also makes me think of when Jesus said, in the Gospels, "I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly." I don't think He was only talking about life after death. He brought us life, life that began when He drew our hearts to salvation. ABUNDANT life...think about that!


MrsBarrett said...

Living in the here and now is so incredibly important. I've learned that there's nothing wrong with looking to the future but that if you don't focus on the "here" then things can start to fall apart. I wish you and Ryan all the happiness in the world working through all of the "here".