Thursday, February 14, 2008

a day for love

ohhh how i love valentines day as a married woman! ryan and i were talking last night about where we were last year.... and well, it wasn't here! just for the pleasure of my faithful readers out there, i'm going to share how it all began with ryan and i....not all that long ago! ;)

there is this great movie that came out like a year and a half ago. i love it because it's just so easy for everyone to relate to it's characters. who hasn't questioned God as to why He has given us certain desires to do things in life, seeing as to how we don't have such talents needed to do them..
you know like, "why have you given me such a love for wrestling, but made me such a stinky warrior?!" (though you can't hear it, i'm quoting this line with a spanish accent!)
or, others of you maybe can relate to the feeling of having to do things in life you just don't want to do... like you get stuck with just the no-good, no-fun jobs..and think, "i always get stuck with the bad duties: cooking duty. dead guy duty. man, i've got to get me some new duties!" Okay, maybe you can't relate to either of those things...
but who can't relate with being totally in love with a person, and delighting in finding out that you love the same things (or at least, telling them you love the same things...)??
"Well, my favorite color is light tan. My favorite animal is puppies. I love serving the Lord. Hiking, play volleyball..." "You gotta be kidding me! Everything you just said is MY favorite thing to do, every day!"

So, for those of you who are just not all the smart, the movie I'm talking about is Nacho Libre. If you haven't seen it, go and rent it and watch it tonight with your's romantic, let me tell you! :) It was after Ryan and I awkwardly sat on my little love-seat couch and watched that movie, that he revealed his love to me. Inspired, I'm sure, by Nacho's romantic-ness toward Encarnacion ("Would you like to join me in my quarters this evening for some toast?" Flash forward to the scene of them sitting in her room, loudly crunching on crispy toast...), Ryan could hold his feelings in no longer! :) And out they all gushed....and then came a lot of gushing from me! And here we are, not all that far from then, living happily ever after!! :)

For Ryan: ooxxooXoxxO (translated: hug, hug, kiss, kiss, hug, hug, big kiss, hug, kiss, kiss, big hug)


Ashley Davis said...

thats one of our favorite movies too! i especially like it when reid sings the "encarnacion" song to me, haha!