Monday, February 4, 2008

random thoughts

"the underdogs"
well, they did it! the underdogs won the super bowl and i could not be happier. though i didn't outwardly stand up and shout with joy as ryan and nick did as the giants scored at the end of the game, i did jump for joy on the inside. (i couldn't very well jump up physically because then they might think i was actually really interested in football, and of course, i'm not really ;)) though so many people were pulling for their victory, i think very few people really thought that the giants would actually win. i know i didn't! but i'm so glad they did. yay for the giants!!! every last one of them....
yesterday, as our church service began, i whispered a quiet prayer to the Lord that He would speak to me through His Word during the service. and, as He is so gracious about doing, He did... scott's message yesterday was from galatians 4. as he preached a wonderful message, he all too quickly moved passed part of a verse that really spoke to my heart. in context...
"formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. but now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more?" (gal. 4: 8-9)
i love that words in the middle of the verse... paul is all about talking about the law and the follower of Christ in galatians...the jews were preaching that self-righteousness comes through obedience to the law. they were all about self-efficiency--"you can be good enough on your own, just do these things!" and paul tells his brothers and sister over and over again in this letter that thinking like that is straight up wrong. well, even though i don't think blantenly "i'm going to work hard and be good enough so i can earn God's continual love," my every day actions sometimes show otherwise. i slip back into the old way of thinking, thus enslaving myself to sin all over again. but, how loudly this verse screams to me that this way of living is no good at all! paul reminded me that i didn't even get to come to know God on my own-it was Him drawing me all along! and...
i am known by God-the creator of this world knows me. He knows my joys and my pains and everything in between. that brings a smile to my face every time i think about, even on my bad days-God knows me and what's crazy...He loves me all the same. what an absolutely, amazingly wonderful thing that is!!

i know all of you have been holding your breath to hear about how my knitting is going. well, hold it no longer-it's going really well! i get to knit a lot at work on my down time, which is fun! i have been working on some new patterns and things-i'm now on my third pidge. the last one and this one are even made with really cool stitches! so, that's fun! my next project is going to be a tam, which is a really cool hat thing. my sister got one for her birthday from my grandmother. it was made a long time ago by a relative that's not alive any more, for whom mollie is named. it was a sweet gift and mollie loves it so much. i think it just looks neat and figured, why not try one? i'm more confident in my knitting that i have ever been before... so, i'll let you know how that goes. hopefully one day i can get some pictures up of the different things i have made. just so you can all "ooo" and "ahh" over them! :) but for now, you'll just have to imagine! ;)