Friday, February 15, 2008

a more serious reflection

"when you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."
wow! i read that this morning and have been reflecting on it for most of the day. i was talking (electronically, no less) with a friend earlier who was sharing about the trials in her life. my heart was saddened to hear about her difficulties. i was sitting here at my desk afterwards talking with the Lord about her, and wondering why sometimes life is so hard for some people. very soon after, i picked up something and came across this verse. consequently, it was a verse that really "spoke to my heart" (that phrase sounds so funny sometimes, but it's true in this case!). there was much encouragement in it, i thought. i mean, first of all it caused me to realize that we, as believers, as people...will go through the waters and fire, so to speak. the verse doesn't say "if you happen into these things," rather "when" these things come upon you... in a strange sort of way, that honestly was such an encouragement to me because i realized that i wasn't alone in being one who struggles. in other words, there were other people out there dealing with hard things (not necessarily the same hard things, but hard things no less-some harder than mine, some not as hard...). but something that encouraged me more...and gave me hope was that the Lord said He is with us through those times. He doesn't forget about us or look away as the waters rise around us. i mean, can't you just picture this verse in your mind? i can, so vividly! a girl sitting there as the rain pours down upon her head...and the rain waters begin to flood around her, so much so that she has to stand up... and so she stands there, crying out for help..even as the waters continue to rise. i've been there, scared to death, wondering if God is hearing me cry out-if indeed He will rescue me from those waters..or if maybe He has forgotten, and this time the waters really are going to completely cover me up. but, no, of course He hasn't forgotten me..nor will He ever. and, my dear friend, if you are reading this, He hasn't forgotten you either. you might feel like the waters are going to completely overwhelm you this time.. and that the fire all around you is so hot that it's just not bearable any more. but, hear the word of the Lord... when you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. the truth of this word has been witnessed by my life....


MrsBarrett said...

that is a really great verse. Thank you for sharing it. I've been struggling myself lately and that really helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel.

MrsBarrett said...

thanks for the comment. I actually still blog just not on blogger anymore. if you want to read it, i'm at

I write everyday as a part of the Blog 365 challenge. Also, I will probably be in Birmingham in April for my grandmother's birthday and I look forward to getting to see you and everyone else then.