Monday, April 27, 2009

first day on our own

ryan went back to work full time today (full time between his two part time jobs) and it has been a little tough without him, especially this morning. noah was super fussy and apparently all he wanted to do was eat...i fed him 3 times between 6:55 and 8:30, and we aren't talking short feedings. he kept pulling away, thinking he was full...only to realize 15 minutes later that he was actually starving still. then he'd start sucking on his little hands like a crazy fella. i cannot believe how much he can eat. by the end of the 3rd feeding, i was pretty sure i was out of milk for the time being, so i had to console his fussiness in other ways. i'm interested to see what the doc will say tomorrow about whether he is getting enough milk. i hope he is, but i worry sometimes that he might because of his hunger binges. on top of all the eating, he refused to take a nap. i've been trying hard to not let him always fall asleep while he's feeding so that he won't get too used to that...but it's hard laying him down when he starts crying a minute later. he gets so worked up, it's just pitiful. and it breaks my heart. but, i think it's the best for him-at least from what i've been reading...we are going to try it for a while and see how it works for us. we are learning that babies everywhere are not the same, so what works for others might not work for our little one. it'd be nice if there was something that always worked for everyone everywhere, but then-we'd probably miss out on individuals having personalities, and that would be terrible. even at 2 weeks, we can see noah's little personality developing and it's so neat to see!


Christina Kris said...

you could not be more right about every child is different so what works for one might not work for another. The hardest thing for me was to learn that sometimes they have to cry and you have to let them cry and they will go to sleep. Even now i have times when that is hard for me to do. Not sure if you have checked out the parenting magazine or there website. ( lots of wonderful stuff there...also have fun at the doctor today.