Friday, June 13, 2008

just living the dream!

my dear little sister made it to denver yesterday, along with my stepdad!!! it was SO nice to get to be around people we really know for a while.. i know it's a little surprising, but we REALLY miss our family! i only wish my sweet mama could have made the trip with them..but alas, she is speaking at a conference this weekend in NC, which is GREAT for her really...we just miss her! we got to meet up with hannah and dale last night for denver (and sadly enough, we forgot our camera!)...we rode the light rail down and walked around a while trying to figure out where to eat. we finally decided on this place called "lime", supposedly an american cantina. the name really sounded great, but it was decent, at best. the meet tasted almost like chinese food (not a good thing, if you ask me) and i'm pretty sure they made the rice last week and just microwaved it for us. yuck! their chips and salsa were redeeming, though!
as ryan and i were driving to school this morning, i was thinking about how crazy it is that we are grad students now. he is working his way well through his first grad school class and i am very close to being finished with mine! i can't believe we actually made it...i told him that when people ask how we are doing, we should start responding, "just living the dream, dude!" of course, i was halfway kidding! it sounds so silly to say, but this really is something we dreamed about doing. we didn't want to settle in to mundane jobs that we didn't enjoy, we wanted to follow our dream-and we actually did! we are attending a top of the line seminary, preparing to embark on a new journey of education. so, as cliche and silly as it sounds, we really are living the dream, man....


Anonymous said...

I am glad that you got to see Dale and your 'lil sis (not sure which sister b/c you don't tell). Anyway, I know this brought you much happiness.
Congratulations to Gladys for her speaking engagement in NC. I know that God will use her while she is there.
Okay, now there is nothing wrong with Asian meat. Some of it is quite good.
I am happy to hear that you and Ryan are enjoying school. But most of all, I am excited that you are doing what God has led you to do. So many people never, never do this. Others, don't know or hear the call until much later in life. You heard and followed. Good for you. Be happy sweet girl.