Monday, March 17, 2008

check out our sweet new ride...

the stickers on the back are my favorite!! we've decided to add to the collection with all those cool kinds of stickers they sale for cheap at al outdoor-you know like patagonia and kavu. brands of things that we don't really own but wish we did. (okay, i actually have a kavu purse that i absolutely love and am hoping to get one of their back-bags for my birthday...:)) but anyway, i don't think we'll find stickers any better than this...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new ride! It is sweet, I mean tight, no I mean wonderful! I am happy for you both.
Listen, I hope to drag out the joke on your dad a bit longer. I think I will tell him you had enough money for the new ride b/c of the strong offer from JH. :-)
I think it is so funny.
Congratulations again on the new vehicle. Love you a bushel and a peck and hug around the neck

Ashley Davis said...

thats awesome! it totally fits you both!

Anonymous said...

Great new ride! I am a fan of the angus beef sticker!!