Wednesday, July 1, 2009

no fear

the other evening, ryan and i decided to jump on the trampoline with my youngest sister, mollie. we all eagerly climbed up and started jumping. very quickly ryan had us bouncing all over the place...we tried to play the game "crack the egg" with me being the first egg-cracked in less than 10 seconds, and mollie being the second egg-cracked in less than 5 seconds. then ryan got down in the egg position and we could do nothing to crack him. in fact, with both mollie and i jumping with all of our might, he was barely even getting any air. it was pitiful! after a few minutes of this, he decided he would rather jump than be an egg, so he got up and started bouncing like crazy. which, after like a minute, began to scare me quite a bit. i had no control over where i was bouncing and i was afraid he was going to throw me right off the side, accidently of, i sat down and held on to the side for dear life. mollie, who is 14 now, looked at me and said, "when did it happen that we started being afraid of doing things like this? why can't we just go crazy like when we were younger?" 

what a question to hear from a little sister! i laughed at first, but haven't been able to get it out of my head. when did i grow up and stop having fun? i would love to blame it on being a mom...but i'm afraid it came long before that...i want to shake loose and not be afraid again...