Thursday, July 9, 2009


"there is no ordinary man. you have never met a mere mortal."

i started reading a book recently and came across this quote. what a thought? i have been a follower of Christ almost my whole life, and a believer in the truth of the scriptures...but i'm not sure if this thought ever crossed my mind. the bible says from the start that mankind is made in the image of God. but i'm not sure i've thought about what that means in day to day life. i'm such a black and white kind of a person... usually seeing the world as either this or that, not in between. and i find myself so often seeing people as either believers or non-believers...but all people everywhere in every time have some kind of mark of God on them. something inside of them is bearing the image of God. not sure what that looks like, or what that really even means in the fullest sense. but, at the very least, i know that it should have a HUGE impact on the way i treat those around me.