Sunday, May 4, 2008

"who wants to be a legalist?"

we have been making our way through the book of galatians at church. when my pastor asked the question a few weeks ago, my eyes quickly shot around the room to see who would put their hand up...or at least, who should put their hand up. as a balcony sitter, i have the opportunity to see almost everyone in our congregation (minus those people who sit directly under the balcony-i've been working on my x-ray vision, so i can see through the floor, but i haven't quite perfected it yet). as you might imagine, no one raised their hand, though quite a few people did lower their eyes, me included (after, of course, my quick glance around the sanctuary). the obvious answer to that question, though, is "no one, of course!" i mean, hello-what a terrible way to live, always trying to make sure you are doing better than your next door neighbor, fellow sunday school teachers, and bible college associates, right?? as terrible as it seems, i find myself right there in that pitiful little camp all to often. and pride is no better than any other sin. it's easy for me, all to often, to think it's just a small little sin that doesn't really affect anyone but me...oh but it does. you know where it has reared it's ugly head for me? at sips n strokes, yep. when you go there, after you pay, they give you a little pallett for your paint and some paint brushes. you then go over and stand in a line to get the actual paint, which is in these big squirt bottle things. there's a nice little sign right directly in the line of sight that says, "please only get 2 squirts of paint to begin with. remember you can always come back for more" (or something like that). and those silly ladies, some of them get like ten squirts. it's so obvious, as they walk away with the paint practically dripping right off the sides of their palletts! can't they read the sign?!? well, when it's my turn, i, of course, just get the two squirts-but those two measely squirts gave me like no paint. i'd have to come back every two seconds to have enough to actually paint the picture if i just got two.. so, i quickly squirted a few more... even as i did so, i realized my sin. not the sin of getting too much paint, but the sin of looking down on those who went before me and got too much..and then hypoctitically, i went and did exactly what i was judging them for...but justified it in my own mind! sin is a terrible thing. this past week has afforded me the unfortunate opportunity of seeing and feeling the affects of other's sin. and let me tell you, it is not a good feeling. all i know to say is that sin really is a horrid thing...and i pray that God would keep me near and that i would be ever mindful of what a huge offense my sin is to Him-even in paint class!