Wednesday, May 14, 2008

1 week & 1 day

that's how long we have until we jump into the uhaul and hit the road! pretty hard to believe. we spent most of the day today packing, though we did have a nice break around lunch time-got to have lunch and visit a little with ryan's grandparents. things really are coming right along. our kitchen is packed except for a few things i refuse to let ryan box up yet because i want to make some cupcakes this week (i bought the ingredients last week and don't want to just waste them, you know). the truth, in fact, is that baking is therapuetic for me, i have recently decided. it lets me set aside the craziness of life and make something delightful that people around me enjoy. it's funny because after i bake something, i usually don't to eat it. i think it's because i smell it the whole time i mixing and baking it, that by the time it's finally ready-i've already ingested as much as i want through my nose. just a thought.. =)
we get to go to the beach this weekend for a few days, which i'm totally siked about (when i actually remember that we are going)!! we will be so far from the beach in CO and it's a place both ryan and i love! so, i'm thankful we are getting a mini vacation before our move... i have a feeling things are going to be pretty busy (work/school-wise) when we get settled in CO.
anywho, ryan and i are about to watch the kite runner. i read about half the book a few months ago, but ended up stopping because it was so sad! i ordered it on netflix, just to give the movie a shot, which we received over a week ago and we finally have a little time to watch, we are!


Rachel Ratliff said...

I'm the same way with my cooking. I can't eat cookies or other sweets after I bake them. I think it must be the smell--just like you said!