Friday, May 16, 2008

not quite there yet...

well, we are getting up bright and early in the morning and heading down to the beach, for one last fling before we move far, far away from the beautiful gulf! this has been a very busy week, and today held a very important event. my little sister, hannah, graduated from high school. the ceremony was one of the most beautiful i have ever been to! i don't have any pictures, unfortunately, because we accidently left the camera in the car, and then my brother had his-with his super sweet lense, so we decided not to go back out and get ours...which i'm a little sad about now! but, i have plenty of pictures in my head! =) one of my other sisters and another girl sang a wonderful song that made me cry so so hard... i hope this upload worked:take a minute to listen to it, if you can. it was just what i needed to hear today to be encouraged in this move we are about to make. God has done that two days in a row now-given me a word at just the needed time! yesterday morning i laid in bed and cried and cried as ryan held me. i was heavy, heavy hearted about our move... then i got an email from a fella at denver (and i'm not even sure who it was still or why he sent me the email!!) here is a small excerpt from his email:

..."Having moved across the country three decades ago with my wife and two young children to attend Denver Seminary, I personally experienced some of these challenges you may face. When God calls us to a task, He is faithful—and we can trust Him to provide needed resources to accomplish what He directs us to do. Yes, this is a faith adventure, whether in the area of finances, career changes or relocating a family...."
it was certainly a word fitly spoken! after reading that, i got to have lunch with some of the dearest ladies i know... and i got to hear, once again, their stories-and do you know, 4 out of 5 of those women moved away from their close families not long after they got married??? and God was with them....certainly He is with us, as well....


Anonymous said...

I told you before God is will definitely be blessing you with this change in your lives. Everything will work itself out and I know it will be sad and I know it will be hard but your families love and support you and I know great things will be happening to you. Y'all are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet girl! God is with you, as He was with Abraham as he journeyed away from his home. As I sit here crying b/c of the sadness I have a/b you moving, I KNOW that God is faithful. He will be with you. I know this is the right path for you and Ryan. My prayer for you is that God will continue to protect and bless you. I asked today that He pave the path for you in CO. and that He be with Gladys as you move. I know if my heart is breaking over this, hers must be devastated. I will continue to lift you guys up in prayer.
What an Awesome God we have. He listens to His children and He will provide what is needed.
I love you and Ryan so very much.
Have fun at the beach.
On a lighter note, you will be near another coast. I am sure their beaches aren't as pretty as ours, but nevertheless, a beach.

steve, kate, annelise and joseph said...

have fun on your new adventure to colorado!