Sunday, September 7, 2008

deeper thinking

we went back to church this morning. we have missed it the past few weeks because i haven't been feeling top notch, but this morning, i felt much better. we went to a new church to hear one of our professors preach. ryan is taking this amazing philosophy class, it really touches a deep passion in him. he has been talking quite highly of his professor, so when he heard he was preaching at a church really near our house this morning, we decided to visit. it's always an interesting experience visiting a new we were singing during the beginning of the service, i was reminded of something we have been talking about in our Old Testament class-God takes worship quite seriously. and, i don't think we take it near seriously enough. many times, i have found myself caught up in the music at church, not really (really) thinking about the words i was saying. so, this morning, i thought, "i really want to think deeply about this things. i don't want to come to church (and walk in life) and serve God only with my lips-i want my heart to be in this" so, i thought about what i was singing as i was singing it, and every now and then, when that strange line of a song would come up, i would just stop singing. you know the kind of line i'm talking about-the one that doesn't sound quite right, or that just seems to be in the song because it rhymes with the line before/after it. no need to sing things that we don't really mean... i just don't think that's very honoring to God, in the end. a new song came up that neither ryan or i had heard before, so we were reading the words as everyone sang along...and one of the lines was actually "Lord i give you the power over my life" ummm...i don't think so. i don't think we have any power to give God, who, well, has all the power (remember that whole omnipotent thing?!?). i just want to be careful to think more about the things i say at church...because it's pretty important! 


Anonymous said...

I don't know which pastor or music minister talked about this with me,but one from my past. He told us one Sunday that we just sing songs we have always done and we don't pay attention to the words. I then decided to make a conscious effort to listen to the words. Sometimes as we are singing, I will weep b/c of what I am singing. For instance songs that tell of Jesus hanging on the cross for me - blood dripping from his wounds for me - then I can weep with joy and celebration b/c the song will talk of victory over death.
Your thoughts give me more to chew over. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you are feeling better.
Dad is in Logan, Ohio this week.