Sunday, August 17, 2008

it's not easy being queasy...

so there is a great little shirt that has this funny little quote on it (made by a shop that makes cute tees for those expecting..). i tried to put a picture on here, but my silly mac won't let me. :( anyway, just imagine-it's cute! 

i have been experiencing this phenomenon called "morning sickness" on and off throughout the entire day... i thought, at first, i might just be an "evening sickness" girl because i was just feeling bad at the end of the day. but over the past few days, i have come to learn that it really could hit at any time....and usually, the most inconvenient time, like at church this morning. i was feeling really great as i got up and got ready for church-i even had two pieces of toast and half of a tangelo, since i was feeling so good, along with some ginger ale (i'm not crazy!). we got to church and all was well, but as the service rolled on, i started feeling terrible. i went to the bathroom, half afraid to throw-up (even though i felt like if i could i'd feel a ton better) because the bathroom is connected to the toddler's nursery class and i knew they would hear every bit of it..and that just wouldn't have been too good, you know. anyway, after standing in the bathroom a few minutes, ryan came to check on me and asked if we needed to leave. at first, i was determined to stay...but then realized it just wasn't going to happen. so, he went and got our stuff (including his brother, who rode to church with us) and we headed home. after laying down and having a few saltines and gatorade, however, i was a new person. it's funny how that works... :) can i just say, though, that ryan is just wonderful?! and his brother-not so bad all the time, either! ;) they actually cleaned up the kitchen a good bit this afternoon. we had crockpot chicken for lunch, which was great...but a few hours after eating it and a nice little nap, i came downstairs and the smell hit me before i even made it to the kitchen. and it's not that it smelled bad, but just too too strong for my weak tummy. but before i even could say much, they were putting it up and cleaning the dishes off! what nice guys..someone raised them well! thank you! :) 
well, that's all for now...


Stephy Z said...

Oh...I am sorry about the morning sickness...Our friend Kallie...for the first 3 or 4 months of being preggo could only keep ceral down. I will be praying for you..and maybe send you a care package of saltenes and gatorade! :) MUCH LOVE!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are having a little morning sickness but it will all be worth it! And I am very proud of those guys and glad that they are taking good care of you. 10 days and counting until we see you all!!!! I love you all, Carol, Mom, Cecebelle.

Rachel Ratliff said...

Morning sickness is the one thing I would NOT repeat about pregnancy! I'm thinking about you, and I hope you feel better! The little one you will bring into this world is SO worth it!

Christina Kris said...

girl i completely understand that. Try keeping the saltines with you where ever you go. Eat small meals every 2-3 hours. You might not be able to be cooking a whole lot for a little while. It isn't fun. Emetrol is wonderful. It should be on your safe list that you can take. You can get it at most drug stores in the pharmacy. Between that and crackers i was able to make it through. Call if you have any questions. Love you tons.