Monday, April 21, 2008

i can see the light!

yep, this train will be pulling out of the tunnel, called work, very very soon. just today and tomorrow left. no more long commute in stinky traffic to work (at least for now)!! no more waking up at the crack of dawn (okay, i don't actually get up quite that early)... finally, time to spend with people i love, time to do things i really enjoy, and, of course, time to prepare for our move to the big CO! :) i'm really looking forward to having this next month off-not only so i can get things done that need to be done, but also so i can mentally prepare for what is next. yay!!!

we had a GREAT weekend! we had a huge party at our house on saturday for all of the bible club kids (and some of their moms!). we even had a few families come who we had never really met before saturday morning...which is super exciting! doors are continuing to open for ministry at king, even after 4 years! :) those kids were so siked about going to swim, yet when we got to our pool-we quickly learned that very few actually knew how to swim. the concept must of just sounded so fun! ryan, whom i'm convinced is actually half fish-half man (a "mash" perhaps, or maybe a "fisan"??), got in the water and one-by-one started teaching the kids the basics of swimming-how to kick, how to move your was just precious!

when we move, some people are going to be harder to leave than others-for various reasons. the kids at king are one group of people that will be very hard to leave... they are so young, but a few of them have really special places in our hearts..we have been working with them for almost 4 years now! that's quite a bit of time with the same group of children. i hope we will be able to stay connected even over many miles...


Daniel & Mae said...

almost finished! =)

steve, kate, annelise and joseph said... just have to get through today and you will be finished!! hope things go well today :)