Monday, January 28, 2008

how they met

this is actually copied over from our wordpress page, just in case some of you missed it... it's the story of how we met. :) enjoy....

ryan and samantha officially began their journey together on december 1st, 2007, when they were joined before God, family and friends as husband and wife. their lives became connected long before this though. they met in a freshman fitness class at southeastern bible college a few years ago. samantha knew ryan as “the jock who played football at uab” and well, let’s face it, ryan didn’t really know samantha yet. but if he had known her then, he would have known her as the hot, punk-ish looking girl that sat in the back and didn’t say much (lol). it wasn’t until a year or so later that they became friends. they really bonded in a theology class, in which samantha sat directly behind ryan. both interested in other people, they became friends solely because of their similar personalities and interests (i think), and well, also because their friends were friends. anyway, one day, in the aforementioned theology class (in which samantha sat directly behind ryan), samantha wore these shoes to class that, well, STUNK…and she knew it. but they were her favorite shoes! as class went on, she propped those smelly shoes up in the back on the desk in front of her, which happened to be ryan’s desk. after a few minutes, she noticed ryan smelling himself-his armpits, then his shirt, then his neck, then his armpits again..then he kind of looked around. after a few more minutes, he smelled his pits, shirt, pits again. this went on for a good 20 minutes, i’m sure. then, kind of randomly, he glanced down and noticed samantha’s feet propped up on the back of his desk. he bent down and took a big whiff and said (loudly, might i add), “oh my goodness, your feet STINK!” at which point, samantha and all the people around them start laughing. he then starts talking about he was pretty sure he had showered that morning, and he also thought his clothes weren’t that dirty. it was a pretty funny event and they were friends from that moment on…it wasn’t until a few years later, though, that God brought them together as a little more than friends. it is very important to their story that you know that they know that God was the one who brought them together-otherwise, there is just no way it would have happened! through a crazy, unexpected turn of events, ryan and samantha spilled their feelings to each other (after being so moved by watching “nacho libre” together) and have been together ever since. after dating for a few months, ryan, the most romantic fella in the world, proposed at turtle point in st. john (as in the virgin islands). if you want to know more about that story, you’ll have to check out facebook or ask one of them…but let me tell you, you better have a few hours to listen/read!! it’s quite a story. soon after their engagement, the wedding plans began…and the time quickly passed, and they were wed on december 1st, 2007!