Monday, January 28, 2008

"God is in control"

Do you remember that old Twiala Paris song? If you have been a member of the southcrest youth choir in the past 15 years or so, then there's no doubt you do... back in the day, that was one of our defining songs. we sang it every where we went. some might think it was over done, but i won't comment on that. :) anyway, if you heard the song today, you would probably think "sounds a little cheesy" (the music, not necessarily the words). anyway, for some reason i was sitting here at work, thinking about things and that song came to mind.

as you might have read in previous postings, i was quite nervous about my first day on the new job. i just wasn't quite sure what to think about it or how it would be. "what would i be doing? would i be able to do it? will i fit in okay at this new place?" and so on.... as the day began, i joined the girl who was previously the receptionist (she did my training last week before she moved to her new place in the office), and i noticed a little post-it note behind the computer screen that said, "may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, o Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." (ps. 19:14) tears nearly came to my eyes as i read it because this verse has been near and dear to my heart for years and years. for you see, when i was a young child, i spent nearly every day with my dear mimi and papa. my brother and i would be dropped off before school and picked up much later in the evening. every morning, we would sit with my grandparents as they did their daily devotional. and every day, my papa would pray at the end of our time together this very verse. honestly, i didn't know until quite a while later that it was from the Bible...i thought he just made it up. :) my dear papa has been with the Lord for nearly 8 years now, but memories like these are so real to me. seeing this verse posted at my desk reminded me that God is indeed in control. no doubt He has brought me to this job-and though there are parts of it that aren't easy (like adjusting to the time at work), I'm here for His purpose... and that, my friend, makes it all so worthwhile! :)